Thursday, March 24, 2005


i just had a very extremely long chat with her. we always have endless topics to talk about though we will be seeing each other for the next 3 consecutive days. omg... how am i supposed to face this lump of fats and someone who loves to follow the way the mac aunty talked - so you doesnt want your hrashbrown? nvm... that's an inside joke.

it is over. yup. nothing much to talk about it. i dont feel any amount of excitment in me when it is over. just phew... let's say it together, P-H-E-W!!!! i am quite disappointed with my performance though judgement day is not near yet but i know it best myself. forget about it and move on with life. remember that no matter what happens, life goes on. =) i need to take a break to relax, enjoy and pamper myself during this break. cheer myself on for the next battle probably soon...

i am going to have those delicious bread i bought at crystal jade bakery later in the morning for breakfast. hahaz... i am looking forward for the sun to rise. a brand new day, a brand new me. =D

"the air smells better without stress"

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